© RJS 2013
Download and read Mike Edgington’s classic book .....
Some of you may already know of the classic Local Studies
‘Bournemouth and the Second World War 1939 - 1945’
by M.A. Edgington
Originally published in 1994 and, by popular demand, reprinted in
1999, this comprehensive study of life in wartime Bournemouth is a
must for anyone interested in our local history....
It can, however, be notoriously difficult to find a copy these days!
The author, Mike Edgington, has very kindly agreed to the publication
of an online version, as a PDF document, to be made freely available
for educational or recreational use. However, this new version must
NOT be used or reproduced, in any form, for commercial gain.
The copyright remains the property of the author.
You can download the complete book by clicking on the front cover
image on the left. (The size of the whole file is about 17MB)...
Left click on the image above
to download the book